This square, in front of Palazzo Vecchio, for centuries the heart of Florentine political and social life, contains real masterpieces like the stupendous fountain of Neptune by Ammannati, with the God of the Sea surrounded by nymphs, in honour of Tuscan naval victories. Not to be missed the reproduction of Michelangelo's David which situated in front of Palazzo Vecchio, symbolises victory over tyranny. The original was in the square until 1873 and is now kept in the Accademia di Belle Arti (Via Ricasoli 66).
Then there is the Loggia dei Lanzi (after the Lanzichenecchi who based their camp there) designed by Orcagna which contains precious sculptures like the Rape of the Sabine by Giambologna, Perseus by Cellini, Hercules and the centaur also by Giambologna, Menelaus holding the body of Patroclus, original Greek from the IV century B. C .
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